Mated to in 2017
In 2017, the No Sweat Lofts are proud to announce the mating of two of the ugliest racing pigeons on the planet. The cock is a December, 2015 hatch and missed being able to be banded with a 2016 band by two days. BOTH of these YOUNG BIRDS flew 504 air miles in October, 2016. The flight they made was nothing short of miraculous; considering their almost total lack of training training and the conditions they endured in order to fly home. This is THE ONLY mating in 2017 wherein the NO SWEAT LOFTS are mating two of their 504 mile young birds which flew in 2016 back together. The red check cock is banded AU--2015--KY--8. And the Blue Check Hen is banded AU--2016--KY--128. She is a direct daughter out of "THE RED PAIR." And KY-6, R.C.C. is out of a black check cock which was sold to Mr. Yasuda in Japan. (a son of "OCALA" Blue Check Cock) and a red check hen out of "HARD CORE." 12439, Silver Cock and "LONGWINGS," , 1899, BLUE CHECK HEN. This mating certainly has some wonderful ugliness about it when looking upon the two birds, amen. But beyond those looks lies two pigeons which posses remarkable long-distance homing instincts and tremendous desires to come home no matter the terrain or weather. These two pigeons happen to love each other annd The No Sweat Lofts have decided to leave them together and strong;ly believe their young birds which they will produce will be outstanding long-distance racers. Again, this mating is steeped in "THE RED BLOOD."
These five photographs are of "THE DREAM PAIR." These two HEITZMAN SIONS are being mated together in 2017; they will be an integral part of the 2017 the NO SWEAT LOFT BREEDING PROGRAM. They are: AU---2015---AA---1778, SILVER BAR COCK, "HARD CORE'S SHADOW," 504 air miles ON THE DAY as a YOUNG BIRD. Bred By Robbie Robbins from his great pair, "HARD CORE" 12439 ,Silver Bar Cock and "LONGWINGS." 1899, Blue Check Hen ----- and ----- AU--2014--KY--117 "ROBBIE'S STRAWBERRY," STRAWBERRY MEALY HEN, 504 Miles as a Young Bird, Bred By Robbie Robbins from his two great 600 milers as YOUNG BIRDS: "RESOLVE" 12466, Dark RED CHECK COCK and "CHATTANOOGA," 23007, Pencil Blue Splash Hen. "THE DREAM PAIR is a perfect blend of four birds which flew 600 miles as YOUNG BIRDS. This blood is saturated in what the No Sweat Lofts call "THE RED BLOOD." The cock, "HARD CORE'S SHADOW," is a medium-small sized bird with excellent confirmation and an eye very much like his father's. The Strawberry Mealy Hen "ROBBIE'S STRAWBERRY," is a small racer, absolutely gorgeous with her dark eyes and a classic Heitzman Sion down from the "OLD GRIS SION" bloodlines; th best of the best long-distance blood.
In 2017, The No Sweat Lofts will be mating these two silvers together. They are but one of the pairs which will be among "THE SILVER BLOOD." There will be an entire line of silvers within the 2017 Breeding Program which will be related together. These are outstanding long-distance Heitzman Sions, Each bird is perfect in body and they represent the classic Sion type produced by Charles Heitzman in great form; only many are smaller in size. Most of these silvers are dark-eyed, deriving from "The Old Gris" Sion bloodlines with "black eyes." They were the very best which Paul Sion and Heitzman ever flew and recognized as such throughout the world. These are beautiful pigeons and easy to admire. Most of these birds are coming down from an old powder Silver cock named "300." He flew 500 miles six times and 600 miles twice. He has a very unique eye, possibly the most interesting eye that the No Sweat Lofts have ever owned. This "SILVER BLOOD" running throughout the No Sweat Lofts is as close to the original Sions once bred by Charles Heitzman as can be found. Many of the birds from those acquired in the 1970's directly from Heitzman lived to be 20 plus years in age. And many of those bred as late as 13 and 14 years old. This is one of the characteristics of this blood. They mature fast and they live long lives. They normally have rich supple feathering and the many high qualities they possess make them the most beautiful and finest flying long-distance silvers in the world. This pair show here are: AU-2014- KY 156 Silver Bar Cock, 504 miles as a YOUNG BIRD - and - AU-2016--AA-1792, Silver Bar Hen. Never flown. Bred strictly for stock. 156 is bred from 8222 Silver Cock and 151 Strawberry Hen. This blood flew well in a race series Indiana and in North Carolina in 2016. The silver hen, 1792 is a direct daughter out of "300" Silver Cock and a Blue Hen which flew 500 miles five times. The 2017 young birds from this mating should be nothing but outstanding.
These are three photographs of "THE 94 PAIR." They are: AU-2016-KY-94 Dark Red Check Cock and AU-2015-KY-94 Dark Red Check Hen. They are a full brother and full sister mating. Both are bred straight from "THE RED PAIR" but during two different years. They just happened to have been banded with the KY-94 bands, but on different years--- thus they have been named "THE 94 PAIR." Both birds are exceptionally healthy in every way. And they typify some of NO SWEAT LOFT'S very best long-distance racers being produced by "THE RED PAIR". Their 2017 young birds will be 100% the same as their parents. "THE 94 PAIR" is one of four 2017 matings in which NO SWEAT LOFTS will be breeding a red check cock back on to a red check hen. All four of these red to red matings will be heavily steeped in "THE RED PAIR BLOOD." NO SWEAT LOFTS will be nicknaming these red "THE RED DOVES" because of their tame dis[positions and physical appearances; they are unique in appearance and easily to spot in any group of pigeons. They are pure old Heitzman Sions which have undergone over a century of careful selective breeding to be superior long-distance racers. In general, they are small pigeons which own a soft feather and are highly intelligent.
These five photographs are of a pair of red Heitzman Sions which were bred by Robbie Robbins will be mated together and used as a breeding pair in 2017 for the No Sweat Lofts. The brick red cock is banded, AU-2016-KY-180 and was bred for stock. He is out of a black splash cock who is the son of one of the finest long- distance racers which won three long-distance COMBINE RACES back to back three weeks in a row. And his mother is a brick red hen bred straight from "THE RED PAIR." 180 is a medium- small sized pigeon with exceptional "slick" feathering, very typical of this particular linage of superior, long-distance Sions which the No Sweat Lofts are developing within their own Heitzman Sion strain. The light red check hen is AU-2014-KY-187; she is a direct daughter of "HARD CORE" SBC, 600 Miles as a YOUNG BIRD and "LONGWINGS," Blue Check Hen, 600 Miles as a YOUNG BIRD. 187 flew 500 as a YOUNG BIRD and is a full sister to the light red check hen which is the hen in "THE RED PAIR." The No Sweat Lofts will be expecting great long-distance young birds in 2017 coming from this mating. These two pigeons classically typify the exact kind of new -looking Sions which are now being created by the NO SWEAT LOFTS. Note their easily recognizable and very distinct type which this family presents. In 2017, the No Sweat Lofts are expecting to breed as many as 100 of these young birds which will be of this family and likely 50 or more will be brick reds in color; they will be so amazingly so close in appearance as to appear if they all were cut from the same cookie cutter. Withing this blood lies the finest long-distance YOUNG BIRDS in North America.
"LONGWINGS" Blue Check Heitzman Sion Hen. 2007--1899. Bred By No Sweat Lofts. PERMANENT BREEDER at THE NO SWEAT LOFTS in Richmond, Kentucky. "LONGWINGS" flew 600 MILES as a YOUNG BIRD from Florida back to Kentucky. She again flew the same 600 MILES as a yearling. In 2017, she will be mated to "HARD CORE" Silver Bar Cock, also a 600 MILE YOUNG BIRD. The blood from "LONGWINGS" is now well distributed throughout the NO SWEAT LOFTS in 2017. Six different sons and daughters out of this hen are also serving as breeders in 2017, as well as several grandchildren and great grandchildren. "LONGWINGS is a great long-distance HEITZMAN SION bred down from many generations of the very best long-distance racers originally deriving in France and America. She is down from Charles Heitzman's famous Sion line he termed "GLORY-LINE" as "MORNING GLORY" and other Sions were in this linage. She represent the Heitzman Sion family in nearly a perfect type. Physically, she has extraordinary wings, especially the length ration compared to her body once handled and observed. Thus, her given name. She is a exceptionally healthy pigeon and always excellent mother.
In October, 2016, AU---2016---KY---93 BLUE CHECK HEN "LOVE SONG" Full Heitzman Sion, Bred By NO SWEAT LOFTS, flew from Jennings, Florida, back to Richmond, Kentucky, as a YOUNG BIRD. " LOVE SONG: was four and one-half months old at the time of her release. She had only limited open loft due to the many hawks in the area, and her total training had consisted of ONLY two tosses: 50 Miles and 125 Miles before her 504 Mile release. She is a direct daughter from the No Sweat Loft's now famous "RED PAIR." In 2015, her sister, a small blue bar hen, now owned by the long-distance expert, Richard Lee in TIBET, flew the same 504 air miles on the day of toss--- being the first bird home. "LOVE SONG'S" full sister, another blue check hen--- and her only other 2016 sibling on the race tram--- also homed back from the same 504 air miles. It should be well noted, both of these hens were released in extremely dark and cloudy skies with a 10 mile per hour head wind facing them. The birds, when released, broke up immediately and flew very low for nearly an hour before attempting their way back over the 500 miles. Along the race course they were forced to fly through a very sunny and hot Georgia with the temperatures approaching 90 degrees. Once into Tennessee, "LOVE SONG" then had to fly high and go back up into the forest of the SMOKEY MOUNTAINS where she endured---for some 150 miles--- rain and a thick, odd purple-like heavy fog. And last, after managing to fly through these obstacles, she then flew into a rainstorm covering Kentucky which lasted for two straight days, along with constant headwinds. Without argument, "LOVE SONG'S" overall performance was extremely remarkable and the true flight of a champion long-distance racer. "LOVE SONG" is a small pigeon with brown eyes and she is now permanently retired to the No Sweat Lofts 2017 Breeding Program. Plans are to mate her back to a cock which will also be rich with the "RED PAIR" blood.
"OCALA" flew back from Ocala, Florida back to Kentucky as a YOUNG BIRD and has been stocked ever since. He has proven to be a great breeder. He has bred many young birds which have flown 500 miles. "OCALA" is a strong pigeon which handles perfectly. He has always proven to be an excellent father. In 20127, he will be mated to another 600 MIle YOUNG BIRD, a BBH. 2010-346. named "INDIAN." In the forefront of the left photograph is "STRAWBERRY", 151, strawberry mealy hen, bred from "HARD CORE" and a BBH, 484, "NUMBER ONE".This pair is the parents of two of my highly valued breeding cocks in 2017. In the background of this photograph is 8222 Silver Cock. This pair bred several great long-distance fliers when mated. 151 was sold to California. 8222, silver HEITZMAN SION is still breeding in 2017 for the NO SWEAT LOFTS. He has flown 600 and 500 miles three times. He is one of the best racers ever for the NO SWEAT LOFTS. A classic HEITZMAN SION. He is pure old Paul Sion and is a classic. In 2016, a young silver hen down from hen flew very well for a man in Indiana. And another fancier, having his first bird home from 200--also--down from 8222. 8222's blood is well spread throughout The Blood of 8222 Silver Bar cock is well distributed throughout the No Sweat Lofts in 2017. .
The other photograph is that of the silver cock is 8222. Perhaps more than any pigeon in 2017, he represents the ideal physical type as to exactly what the NO SWEAT LOT will be breeding towards. He is pictured on the HEITZMAN SIONS website near the front. The kind of face he has, the physical build, the quality of feather, the eye--everything about him spells class and quality. "CHATTANOOGA" BLUE PENCIL SPLASH HEN. 23007.
HEITZMAN SION' ONE OF THE 2017 BREEDERS in the NO SWEAT LOFTS in 2017. 200 as a YB and stopped due to an injury from a hawk. As a yearlong, flew 600 MILES and came home covered in oil and tar. PERMANENTLY RETIRED AS A BREEDER at the NO SWEAT LOFTS. CHATTANOOGA has proved to be an outstanding breeder and is the mother of the red cock in the NO SWEAT LOFT's my famous pair "THE RED PAIR." CHATTANOOGA IS a small hen, perfectly built, highly intelligent and reeks with racing class. She represents what true long-distance flying is all about. She is one of the very finest hens ever bred and flown by the NO SWEAT LOFTS. Her young birds continue to race well for anyone who has them. AU---2010---CONTINENTAL---12466, LIGHT RED CHECK COCK "RESOLVE" 600 MILES as a YOUNG BIRD and then 600 MILES as a YEARLING. Then stocked. PURE HEITZMAN SION. Bred and flown by the NO SWEAT LOFTS. "RESOLVE" was a medium-small sized racer as a young bird but now has matured into a medium sized pigeon with rich eyes, tremendous feather, body and intelligence. He is a classic Sion in every way being one of those distinctive red checks with the lighter colored face and head. He is the father of the red cock in "THE RED PAIR." In 2017, "RESOLVE" will be mated back to his old mate, "CHATTANOOGA." This pair consistently breeds outstanding racers and breeders of racers. "RESOLVE is one of the finest racers the No Sweat Lofts has ever flown, always consistent. He is intensely line-bred down from Charles Heitzman's famous iconic red check cock "OLD '51." And to see "RESOLVE" is to once again look upon the great "OLD 51" which owned the core of Charles Heitzman's best Sion blood saturated in his original Sion pair "1104" and "1033." "RESOLVE'S" blood runs strong throughout the NO SWEAT LOFTS in the 2017 breeding program. Not only is he an exceptional breeder, but he is also quite handsome.
Here is a photograph of AU=2014-KY-67 Dark Red Check Cock which was bred from "RESOLVE" 12466 Red Check Cock and "CHATTANOOGA" 23007 Pencil Blue Bar Splash hen; the photo was taken in 205 during the snow. The other photograph is of his mate, AU-2014 KY 141 Light Red Check Hen. She is bred from "HARD CORE" 12439 Silver Cock and "LONGWINGS" 1899, Blue Check Hen.
67 and 141 are THE NO SWEAT LOFT's now famous "THE RED PAIR" which has been breeding outstanding 500 mile young birds two years back to back. ALL FOUR grandparents in this mating are 600 MILE YOUNG BIRDS. In 2017, the NO SWEAT LOFTS will continue to breed from THE RED PAIR as well as from their young birds and parents. |
No Sweat Lofts