Please note. I am an author of eight books. I write under the name "NO SWEAT." It is a name which was given to me by a lady who ran a dive shop on Singer Island. A place where I used to work as a master diver and guide. She gave me the name because of the way I dealt with sharks. I have penned hundreds if not thousands of pigeon articles employing the name "No Sweat." Some may believe the two words mean that I am useless. That may well be the truth.
An additional note. You will see at the end of this new update some photos I have recently taken of my family of Sions and new lofts. These photos were not photo--shopped. That stuff you get choked on over and over looking at pigeon auctions and advertisements. Photo-shop tails and wings. Birds on drugs. Standing in attention. Paper cut outs. Fake stuff attempting to make the pigeons somehow appear what the sport perceives as perfection. Heavens to mercy. Shazam! Is everyone brain-dead? I have never followed the leader in our sport. I am that Kentucky fancier who has always thought outside of the box. I vomit at our sport's continuance of a "monkey see-monkey do mindset" in so much. Stuff simply wrong. Stuff pushed down the throats of new fanciers who know no better.
SIONS. SIONS. SIONS. YES! YES! YES! LONG DISTANCE BEAUTIFUL RACERS! If that is what you are interested in---- you are at the right place. Amen. SIONS have been---------- and as long as I am alive-------will forever be-------the finest racing pigeons on earth. POINT BLANK PERIOD! Please. Slap anyone claiming differently. They deserve it. Thank you. I thank you. Charles Heitzman thanks you. Paul Sion thanks you. Amen. Give a double-slapping now that I think about it! Thie Sions have always been and will always be the greatest family of racing pigeons on earth. Do your homework. Look at my Sions. Let your eyes judge. Have you seen finer racing pigeons?
Without a superior homing instinct you have mediocrity when it comes to having racing pigeons. What good is there in eye-sign, wings and balance if the bird lacks a homing instinct? Why would A.J. Foyt hop into a race car without an engine? This is why I have devoted myself to long distance racing. Why my family of NO SWEAT SIONS have won 1,000 KM races in China. Why four different times I have set world record long distance flying with YOUNG BIRDS---getting them back each time from 700 air miles. Why I got yearlings back from Key West to Richmond, Kentucky, 1,000 miles. And why the Sions have won the most prestigeous race in the world over the open ocean.
I fly my Sions extreme long distances searching for the best homing instinct. Knowing those racing pigeons which excel at the longer distances are the birds which have the finest instincts. The earth's magnetic fields, the sun's position in the sky, the smells in the air. They must sense how to put this together. Good vibrations. If need be, race back from Venus to be at your side. Amen.
It is in part the reason why today you see HUGE losses with pigeons. Because they are bred from birds which have only been trained short or middle distances. Almost all being "crosses." (Ugly rascals to boot) Where a fancier has decided to cross pigeons believing that is the best. Usually a person who has no fundamental knowledge regarding genetics. A mis-guided-mindless bloke "bought into" all the "circus" crap spread by smiling "bird merchants" hunkered low on the net----- professing to be G-E-N-U-I-N-E experts. What they actually are---PIRATES! Yo-Ho-Ho and a bottle of rum (with a pigeon inside the bottle). The same dulcet con-artist who would sell you a lame duck for a wooden dime and tell you a wonderful story in the doing. "Helping you." If you re-search you will find that same person failing today getting young birds back from a 300 mile race. (Just check it all out) Of course, this factual stuff in its completeness is kept secret. These "experts" running short videos every five minutes on the net "explaining everything." Never actually telling the whole truths. Presenting to you only what they want you to know. In the doing slyly convincing you to buy their birds. I see this sordid stuff constantly. Makes me vomit. I see fanciers on the net saying they bought Sions from me --and lord above, I have never heard of the man. Advertisements in magazines by fanciers who claim they have had Sions since 1966. The same person who was not born until 1974. It goes on and on. As you surely know, I sincerely hope. My reputation with Sions is constantly being stolen. GRAND THEFT. In such "dark manners." Pigeon pirates never giving due credit where it rightfully belongs. Fanciers doing anything. Saying anything. Attempting to make a dime off of me in one way or the other. Lord help them. I know there must be a place in heaven for my tortured pigeon Sion soul. Even if it is wayyyyyy in the back row. Amen.
I am entering into my 68th year with pigeons. (Possibly an admission to a sanatorium) Since 1959, I have had Sions. That is when Charles Heitzman and I met and became bonded. Two Kentuckians. During my life I have won over 1,500 first places at all levels of competition. When you win more firsts than you have fingers and toes it becomes hard to keep up with. The last time I raced in The VICTORIA FALLS it was my small team of NO SWEAT SIONS, a close family of my racers, which wound up leading the entire USA in earned points and BEST TEAM USA. The very first year I flew in SOUTH AFRICA the few NO SWEAT SIONS I entered finished 41rst and 88th That was from the original entry of nearly 10,000 birds. In the one year I raced in the HOOSIER I had a strawberry mealy cock line-bred from my champion "HARD CORE" ( a YOUNG BIRD which flew 615 air miles to be back early the second day) finish 16th on the smash race before their fire. It goes on and on. I mention this as there is interest in One Loft Races. To show that my family of No Sweat Sions are not only gorgeous --but also--damn fine racing pigeons. NOT in the years past but TODAY!!! Why? Because I have emphasized LONG DISTANCE. I have stressed keeping long distance blood. A long distance pigeon can race and win at any distances. A short distance bird can not do this. Why? Because the homing instinct surfaces and presents the truth.
I have given my life to SIONS. Amen. I can only itch, jerk, moan, flop and roll when I see some person new on the net who has had a Sion for five minutes explain---- or feebly attempt to ecplain----- something about a Sion (most always unable to even correctly pronounce the word). No person today begins to know more about Sions. I grew up under Heitzman. Inherited his pigeon library. The largest library in the wrld devoted to racing pigeons. No fancier ever has created their own family within the Sions. I take pride in my family of NO SWEAT SIONS and my unique lofts which are geared soley for the happiness of the birds and NOT the fancier. Each bird the result of selective breeding for nearly 70 years. The end results of my "pigeon art." So much effort. So many stories. Each bird owning my NO SWEAT SION name.
I am excited about 2025. I have an incredible line-up of breeders. The best ever. I plan to enter the TOP race in North America for Young Birds---THE 2025 FLORIDA DERBY. Which may have 10,000 entries and will be in Miami. The final race taking place in January, 2026. I hope to be there with JW a great pigeon friend and my grandson who has been my right arm in helping with the birds. In the past month I have had emails and phone calls from over a dozen fanciers across the USA reporting wins with my Sions. Most being beginning fanciers. In 2024, I had fanciers across the world again coming back wanting birds. One fancier, his eigth straight year. Stuff saying more than I can.
I recognized Paul Sion unique and the best racing fancier in his day. I did the same with Heitzman who became much my father. Every day I wake up I keep their memories alive. I now carry that Sion banner squarely on my shoulders. I work on a steady path to keep the Sion legend smiling. I wish they could come back and see what I have acomplished. I have spent my life taking the old, true line of Paul Sions and placing them well into the future. No Sion fancier competes at the levels I do. I smile at any tormented fool who claims Sions are un-popular today. My HEITZMAN SION website has now had FIVE MILLION "hits." I make and meet new friends on a daily basis strictly because I am that recognized fancier which actually has the beautiful, true, old racing Sions. Beautiful. Eexpexcted to win races. That's always what Sions have been about. In racing pigeon history there has never been any family like them. Don't kid yourself. Winning at all distances and over all terrains. Flying at all speeds.
I love my Sions. My life has always been entertwined with them. Mom gave me a Sion instead of a pacifier. I am always available to discuss Sions. Explore my website. Who knows? You might learn something. I am best reached by email.
[email protected]
Earl Lowell "Robbie" / "No Sweat" Robbins, Jr.
[email protected]