Hello and welcome to my website devoted to Sions. And thank you for your interest. I have devoted much of my life to this one single family of racing pigeons and I hope that you will look at my photographs and also take the time to explore all that is throughout this entire website which now owns more than 3,000 photographs of my Sions shown on it. These are birds which are bred primarily for long distances. Most of my young birds MUST fly 500 miles or I will not keep them to breed from. Superior long distance is and always has been my forte.
I try to keep evryone updated on all that I do with my racing pigeons. Right now I want to discuss primarily the Sions I am selecting to be my breeders for 2022. First allow me to state that never in all my life have I had such a fantastic group of Sions from head to toe. Every single bird more than special in many ways. My Sions all came from my dear friend and mentor,, Charles Heitzman, a fellow Kentuckian. As he grew in age I often took care of his birds. Many times living in his home from three days to a week. He had a bedroom reserved especially for me. And when I lived with him I was in pigeon heaven as much as any man could dream. I like to believe that I have managed to carry on his dream with these Sions just as he did himself for Paul Sion. And that Heitzman would be all smiles and proud if he were able to ever returnand see what I have accomplished.
I am now into my 64th year with Sions. And over that period of time I have won 1,100 first places at all manner and levels of competition. My aim has always been to breed beautiful racers which not only are pleasing to my eye but also are fantastic long distance racers. I firmly believe that the finest racing pigeons are those which prove themselves consistently at superior long distances. Thjey are the most intelligent. Those are your best birds on which you can rely to breed you winners at all distances. And I would like to inform everyone that if you have anyone around you who might say that Sions are "slow"--just smile. In the past five years my family of Sions have flown in world wide major races where they have been at the top averaging 1,800 YPM and more. And a few years ago, from 400 miles, I had two hens fly 2,200 YPM. NOTHING SLOW ABOUT THOSE SPEEDS. This family of Sions are winning at long distances in China, Japan, Tawain, South Africa and elsewhere all over the world. Winning major 500 and 600 mile races in New York, Texas and elsewhere. I have bred them to be a force in today's modern era of racing pigeons.
The Sions have earned a solid reputation as being birds which can endure in long, hard, tough races. They have been doing this consistently for nearly a full century now. Doing it all over the USA and the world. There has never been a strain more true, so beautiful and remaining at the top as do my Sions. Of all the pure old line Sions to be found remaining today throughout the world ---by far--- the finest happen to reside in the five lofts which now are the home of "THE NO SWEAT SIONS." NO SWEAT is my pen name as I have written six books and more artciles than I know which have been published by pigeon journals all over the world.
I now have had Sions longer than anyone. Longer than did Paul Sion or his son, Robert. And longer than did Mr. Charles Heitzman. And during this long time period I have been able to mold the type of pigeon I want. But I do still have variation. I have the size and shape and the faces I want. I have the types of eyes that I desire. And I maintain primarily three colors: Blue Bars, Silver Bars and Reds. Percentage-wise, I would say that the BBs take up about 55% of all the birds I own, Silvers, around 30% and Reds being the remaining 15%. All of my Sions are basically line-bred down from the famous blue bar cock which was named "LE-ROI." Along with the strawberry Mealy named "LE ROUSELETTE." And yes, I have a lot of the "old gris Sion blood" running primarily throughout many of my silver bars. You cannot find a family of Sions any more pure. And I have kept a close eye over these six decades to keep only those Sions which meet my very high standards. I have gone through thousands upon thousands of Sions to have what I am using for breeders in 2022.
IF at any time anyone wishes to contact me please feel free to do so. I am always easy to reach. I enjoy talking about any facet of our great sport. I am generally best reached by my email address. And yes, I am that old man who does NOT have a tatoo and also still carries a poor FLIP PHONE. Maybe the last human on earth as such. Heaven have mercy on me.
EMAIL: [email protected]
***BEST PHONE TO CONTACT ME: 859-582-0503
MY CELL PHONE: 606782-4988
I will place a few photos of some of my Sions now for you to look at. 175 new photos of my family of Sions for you to see. Their quality is hopefully self-evident. Many of these Sions will likely be breedes for me in 2022. It appears that I will have a great group of birds which I bred in 2021 joining the ranks. You can spot those birds by seeing the red AU 2021 bands on their legs. My oldest Sion at present will be 13 years old this year in 2022. He is still fertiling every egg. He is a great pigeon which flew 500 mils six times and 600 miles twice. I have him mated to a small blue hen whcih I call "Red Eye" which flew 500 miles as a YOUNG BIRD. They are in these photos. I also have an old silver cock which I call "HARD CORE, JR." and his mate, a strawberry mealy hen I named "QUEEN STRAWBERRY." These two are permanently mated together. They both flew 500 miles as YOUNG BIRDS. And all four of their grandparents were 600 milers as YOUNG BIRDS! This blood has proven to be excellent and consistent at long distances.
Again, thank you for your interest and time.The Sions have always owned my heart. They have been good to me all my life and I try to be likewise to them. PLEASE feel free to contact me at any time regarding them.
I try to keep evryone updated on all that I do with my racing pigeons. Right now I want to discuss primarily the Sions I am selecting to be my breeders for 2022. First allow me to state that never in all my life have I had such a fantastic group of Sions from head to toe. Every single bird more than special in many ways. My Sions all came from my dear friend and mentor,, Charles Heitzman, a fellow Kentuckian. As he grew in age I often took care of his birds. Many times living in his home from three days to a week. He had a bedroom reserved especially for me. And when I lived with him I was in pigeon heaven as much as any man could dream. I like to believe that I have managed to carry on his dream with these Sions just as he did himself for Paul Sion. And that Heitzman would be all smiles and proud if he were able to ever returnand see what I have accomplished.
I am now into my 64th year with Sions. And over that period of time I have won 1,100 first places at all manner and levels of competition. My aim has always been to breed beautiful racers which not only are pleasing to my eye but also are fantastic long distance racers. I firmly believe that the finest racing pigeons are those which prove themselves consistently at superior long distances. Thjey are the most intelligent. Those are your best birds on which you can rely to breed you winners at all distances. And I would like to inform everyone that if you have anyone around you who might say that Sions are "slow"--just smile. In the past five years my family of Sions have flown in world wide major races where they have been at the top averaging 1,800 YPM and more. And a few years ago, from 400 miles, I had two hens fly 2,200 YPM. NOTHING SLOW ABOUT THOSE SPEEDS. This family of Sions are winning at long distances in China, Japan, Tawain, South Africa and elsewhere all over the world. Winning major 500 and 600 mile races in New York, Texas and elsewhere. I have bred them to be a force in today's modern era of racing pigeons.
The Sions have earned a solid reputation as being birds which can endure in long, hard, tough races. They have been doing this consistently for nearly a full century now. Doing it all over the USA and the world. There has never been a strain more true, so beautiful and remaining at the top as do my Sions. Of all the pure old line Sions to be found remaining today throughout the world ---by far--- the finest happen to reside in the five lofts which now are the home of "THE NO SWEAT SIONS." NO SWEAT is my pen name as I have written six books and more artciles than I know which have been published by pigeon journals all over the world.
I now have had Sions longer than anyone. Longer than did Paul Sion or his son, Robert. And longer than did Mr. Charles Heitzman. And during this long time period I have been able to mold the type of pigeon I want. But I do still have variation. I have the size and shape and the faces I want. I have the types of eyes that I desire. And I maintain primarily three colors: Blue Bars, Silver Bars and Reds. Percentage-wise, I would say that the BBs take up about 55% of all the birds I own, Silvers, around 30% and Reds being the remaining 15%. All of my Sions are basically line-bred down from the famous blue bar cock which was named "LE-ROI." Along with the strawberry Mealy named "LE ROUSELETTE." And yes, I have a lot of the "old gris Sion blood" running primarily throughout many of my silver bars. You cannot find a family of Sions any more pure. And I have kept a close eye over these six decades to keep only those Sions which meet my very high standards. I have gone through thousands upon thousands of Sions to have what I am using for breeders in 2022.
IF at any time anyone wishes to contact me please feel free to do so. I am always easy to reach. I enjoy talking about any facet of our great sport. I am generally best reached by my email address. And yes, I am that old man who does NOT have a tatoo and also still carries a poor FLIP PHONE. Maybe the last human on earth as such. Heaven have mercy on me.
EMAIL: [email protected]
***BEST PHONE TO CONTACT ME: 859-582-0503
MY CELL PHONE: 606782-4988
I will place a few photos of some of my Sions now for you to look at. 175 new photos of my family of Sions for you to see. Their quality is hopefully self-evident. Many of these Sions will likely be breedes for me in 2022. It appears that I will have a great group of birds which I bred in 2021 joining the ranks. You can spot those birds by seeing the red AU 2021 bands on their legs. My oldest Sion at present will be 13 years old this year in 2022. He is still fertiling every egg. He is a great pigeon which flew 500 mils six times and 600 miles twice. I have him mated to a small blue hen whcih I call "Red Eye" which flew 500 miles as a YOUNG BIRD. They are in these photos. I also have an old silver cock which I call "HARD CORE, JR." and his mate, a strawberry mealy hen I named "QUEEN STRAWBERRY." These two are permanently mated together. They both flew 500 miles as YOUNG BIRDS. And all four of their grandparents were 600 milers as YOUNG BIRDS! This blood has proven to be excellent and consistent at long distances.
Again, thank you for your interest and time.The Sions have always owned my heart. They have been good to me all my life and I try to be likewise to them. PLEASE feel free to contact me at any time regarding them.