LONG, long, long after all the talk about all the many great pigeons has blasted the air, the Sions will still be around owning their dulcet smile. Why have they out-performed ALL of the families and strains in pigeon history--SIMPLE-- because they are truly damn good! They are gorgeous. They are tough. And when it comes to long distances, no birds can match them. I KNOW! Four different times I have taken Y-O-U-N-G B-I-R-D-S world record long distances exceeding 700 air miles and on each and every ocassion, I got YOUNG BIRDS back! YES! And this being in a day and time when every fancier holds their breath hoping and praying ( and later kicking chairs) they might get a bird back from 300 miles. Big emphasis on MIGHT. This is a time when the largest races in the wold are lucky to get back 1 in 10 of their best birds on a 300. The Sions all but started "this gamne" with what racing pigeons are all about. They go back to almost the very beginning of the creation of racing pigeons themselves. And who today has the finest and best and most pure of all the Sions---you know who.
SIONS. IF you are searching for the finest true SIONS in the world, look no farther. If you are hunting for the best pure Sions which are actually winning major races throughout the world today, you found him. If you are interested in finding the best long distance racers in North America, look no more.
SIONS. The world famed "No Sweat" has been breeding Sions for 66 years. No fancier in North America can begin to compare to his knowledge or racing wins with Sions as him. He was Charles Heitzman's "loft boy" for many years and came to love Heitzman as a father. Today, he is what is left of Heitzman. It is No Sweat's and Charles Heitzman's large photo of them standing together which is on the wall of the Ameican Racing Pigeon Museum. Rightly so. "The Sions are a remarkabe family of racing pigeons," spoke No Sweat. "Endurance, beauty, long distance. A gene pool which will not quit. They have now existed for over 100 years."
"The Sions are the greatest family of racing pigeons having ever existed," states No Sweat. "All so many other strains and families of pigeons come and go like the wind. Just give them time. They play out. Especially the crosses."
Charles Heitzman imported pigeons from Paul and Robert Sion seven times, becoming world famous. The best of the best of those Sions ---as when Heitzman himself was alive----are still now living in Kentucky. No Sweat has been breeding them for 66 years. His name is ROBBIE ROBBINS, He is a best selling author and archeologist, having written seven books. His pen name is "NO SWEAT." He swam long-ditance with 18 ALL AMERICANS. His coach was Donald Combs, son of Earle Combs, HALL OF FAME baseball. If you want to learn more about No Sweat, look at all his videos on you tube.
"There is simply no better Sions in the world," stated No Sweat. "If there were, they would already be here in my colony. I have taken the finest family of old Heitzman Sions and in 66 years, improved them. Now, my own family, "THE NO SWEAT SIONS." I may be the only person in North America with a genuine and honest family of racing pigeons which he has created himself--- which---MOST IMPORTANTLY--- are also winning as they are in the world's best races. Winning the Teneriffe Island Race. Winning FIRST BEST TEAM USA the last time I raced in THE VICTORIA FALLS. Winning 41rst in the last and main race in South Africa when the original entry was ovr 10,000 birds. Finishing 13th in the HOOSIER CLASSIC. The list goes on and on. In fact, the NO SWEAT SIONS have accumulated OVER 1,500 first places at all levels of competition over the past half century.
In the fall of 2023, at great expense, No Sweat bought five acres of picturesque, undeveloped land in the middle of his home town, two minutes from his home. He did this to re-locate and build upon the greatest SION EMPIRE--colony of long distance Sions which have ever existed. He is elated to announce that much has been accomplished. And currently in a great breeding season. "I will breed the finest Sions which have ever existed this year," stated No Sweat. "Primarily three colors, blue bars, silver bars and reds. All bred for long distance and their beauty unequaled."
Among No Sweat's 2024 breeders are two old hens which he has managed to bring back from incredible racing careers. A silver hen he calls "WAR LADY." And a black-eyed blue bar hen he calls "SUMMERTIME." These hens raced against the best at all distances---exceptional. "Summertime" raced in South Africa. On four ocassions led the ENTIRE entry from the USA in races or training tosses, beating some 2,500 of America's best. She is bred from a blue hen which flew 500 miles on the day as a YOUNG BIRD. Remarkably, that hen was bred from a black-eyed blue bar hen which flew a world record long distance 700 air miles as a YOUNG BIRD. SUMMERTIME'S full sister raced equally well, leading the entire USA in The Victoria Race series. You can see photos and records of these outstanding long distane Sions by looking at No Sweat's website: HEITZMAN SIONS. This is an immensly popular racing pigeon website now approaching FOUR million "hits." PLEASE study the photos made in 2021 for references. "SUMMERTIME" happens to be THAT one Sion alive and breeding today which owns---- BY FAR--- the finest international racing record of any Sion which has raced over the past 50 years anywhere in the world. "I get an email or a phone call every day from some fancer letting me know how much they love my Sions and how well my Sions are racing for them. Nothing can make me happier. I always advise, it is best to stay within a proven family when racing pigeons. The best racing men throughout the world and time have done so. When you wind up having a pigeon which races exceptionally well you want to build on that. Common sense dictates such."
If anyone is intersted in contacting No Sweat he is always happy to discuss Sions. Nobody knows Sions as he. They are entwined in his life and much a passion. He is alwys best reached by an email. The best email address for you to contact him is at:
[email protected]
***I hope that you will take the time to look at these new photos of THE NO SWEAT SIONS which are now located at their new lofts in Richmond, Kentucky. These are very recent photos just taken inhe spring of 2024. No Sweat is immensly proud of his family of Sions. It has taken him his entire life to have created this family. He has vowed to remain devoted to his Sions and to Charles Heitzman to the end. I hope your eyes carefully note the old true pure Sions in these magnificent racers. And also the magnificent qualities they possess. No Sweat is confident that Charles Heitzman would be proud of all he has acomplished if he were able to come back from the grave.