Thank you for looking at my site. I appreciate it very much. I hope in some small way I can help show you what my close bred family of long distance Sions are all about. I am trying to do this not only with deeds and words but also in photographs. You can judge for yourself the type of family I have created. And you can decide whether or not this family is special. I feel most strongly that they are. Theses Sions are the end resul;ts of many years of selective breeding based primarily on results from very long distances and the beauty of the bird itself. They are today without question the very finest family of Sions on the planet. PERIOD. And I am proud to say that these are all a very close family of Sions bred down from birds I got directly from Charles Heitzman and birds which he imported into the USA directly from Paul Sion. I am the third generation who has cultivated the heart of this strain to the extent that I have done. I breed more Sions than anyone. And I race my Sions in the strongest competition you can find in all the world: The Victoia Falls in Africa and The Hoosier Classic in Indiana. If you can win the Kentucky Dewrby or the Indy 500, that speaks for itself. I also happen to train my own young birds each year. And every year they are taken AT LEAST 500 air miles. Sometimes 600 and a few times in the past 20 years they have been released from 700 air miles. 700 air miles for a YOUNG BIRD happens to be WORLD RECORD long distances. I realized that if I were to compete against the best in the world and win then I was going to have to think outside of the box. That is why I train my family of Sions the extra long distances that I do. Racers coming back from extreme long distances are special in intelligence, heart, health and stamina. Exactly what I demand in all my Sions. These Sions are line bred down from LE ROI, LE ROUSELETTE and the OLD GRIS family of Sions which were the best of the best of Sions. I have molded this family of Sions into the tightest and cleanest and most beautiful family of long distance racers to be found. I had been calling them "HEITZMAN SIONS" for much of my life. But for the pat five years everyone around me has been calling them "NO SWEAT SIONS" and in fact, that is what they have evolved into---my own family of long distance rcers. The name "NO SWEAT" is simply my pen name in which I write under, I have written six books and all are by "NO SWEAT." And for the pat 50 years, I have been writing pigeon articles for pigeon magazines all over the world under the name of "NO SWEAT." That name was given to me by the owner of a scuba diving shop on Singer Island, Florida during one of the many summers I worked for her as a dive guide. She dubbed me as such because of the nature I own around sharks. And I should say, the name has more than stuck. And so, now, you see, I have "NO SWEAT SIONS." The Sions earned a world reputation for being pigeons which could handle anythiong. Long distances being their specialty. Hard races being their specialty.Great hearts being their specialty. All of that attracted me. And all I have done is to work with those basics and improve it to the best of my abilities. What you are now about to see are all photos which I took of my birds going into the month of June, 2021. You will see some of my 12 year old breeders and some of my baby young birds. The five lofts which compose The No Sweat Sion loft-compound have never bred young birds any nicer than what they are breeding this very day. Again, thank you for looking at this site. Please take a long time looking at the recent photographs of my Sions. And if you have the time, please look at everything I have on this site. If you do you should gain a nice education in what is truly one of the oldest and most hiostorical families of racing pigeons which have been able to survive and be successful to this very day. Thank you. Robbie Robbins / "NO SWEAT." If you want to contact me, the very best way is always by email: [email protected] .