IF anyone ever wishes to contact me please know that I am always most happy to converse with you regarding anything to do with SIONS. I promise to answer any questions you might present. Please feel free to contact me at any time. I have devoted my life to SIONS and in that time have been fortunate to have experienced and learned a handsome wealth of knowledge regarding them. PLEASE contact me at:
[email protected]
I alwas want to express a great HELLO and welcome to my website devoted to my family of HEITZMAN SIONS. These are SIONS whcih can all be traced directly back to the original Sions created by Paul Sion who once lived in Tourcoing, France. My close and dear old friend and mentor, Mr. Charles Heitzman, who once also used to lve in Jeffersontown, Kentucky imported pigeons from Paul Sion and his son, named, Robert, seven times during their lives. Mr. Heitzman was careful to keep the strain bred together. NO fancier ever knew Mr. Heitzman better than yours truly: "NO SWEAT." I am the one fancier who wrote all the stories abou him. I am that fancier who took all the photos of his birds. I am the fancier who lived in his home and helped to take care of his lofts and birds. And I remain that one true fancier who wakes up every day thinking of him and continuing to keep his great family of Sions pure and intact.
I have bred these Sions to be at where they are now-----aimed well into the future. I have been an author all my life and have written for over 50 years under the pen name "NO SWEAT." So today, I call this family of Sions which I got from friend, Charles Heitzman, "THE NO SWEAT SIONS." I like to believe they are now the finest Sions which have ever exisited.
This great family of racing pigeons which have become legandary well known throughout the USA and world as one of the most beautiful families of dependable long distance racing pigeons have been competing and winning against the very best racing pigeons in the world--TODAY. Not yesterday. These are the Sions of the future now racing in the biggest races in the USA and world alike.
I hope that you enjoy thesae photos which I am now downloading for you to see as they should say a lot about the quality this family now best known as the "NO SWEAT SIONS," These are my 2022 summer photos tken around the lofts. Of note, My most recent video was taken back in Decewmber called, "HEIZMAN SIONS COLOR AND MATINGS"----if you have not seen that, I hope that you will find it on the internet as well. It is over two hours long and I believe you will enjoy it.
Thank you for looking at this website. I appreciate all the many compliments I receive far more than you might possibly know. I cherish them. I am so often humbled by some of them. It makes all the expense, time and work I do with racing pigeons worth while. As an old man it keeps that flame of youth alive inside of me.
Bless all of you who have been so kind to me thoughout my poor life as surely my existence on this earth would have been so much less in color if not for you dear pigeon friends and these marvelous racing pigeons themselves. I have been truly fortunate. These magnificent Sions continue to keep my heart beating and remain forever young.
Among the genuinely true and solid friends I have managed to have in this sport none can be more than John Hayes in Richmond. Kentucky. Without him I would never have been able to have had these Sions as I do today. He has been a fantatstic partner now approaching fifteen years. Besides so many of my dear friends who have passed away such as Charles Heitzman, Otto Meyer, Waldo Hotchkiss and Edna Scifres, I still have those individulas in the sport who have always been friends I could count on. First and foremost has always been my lifelong friend, Gary Stone in Cincinnati, Ohio. Gary and I went to school together, played on the same basketball team together and we have had Sions together now for over 64 years. And there is John McQuithy in Indiana who has had Sions on and off with me for nearly as long, some 62 years. And my great friend going on 50 years who so many times traveled and enetered our nation's very best shows with me, Jim Isselhardt, who lived in Bellville, Illinois but now has moved to Florida. And last, John Wesley Jennings in North Carolina who has been a partner and true friend now going on some ten years. It is these kinds of friendships which have sustained me whenever I have felt any negativity in our sport. For surely if you stay in this sport long enough and become as successful as I have achieved, you will have jealousy, lies and ignorance to tolerate. I keep my head up and move forward, doing the best that I can, trying earnestly to remain positive.
Please take the time to look at all of these new photos of my Sions which I have bred. I like to believe you will never again see such a wonderful family of long distance racers all bred by one person. Thank you. Again, if you ever wish to contact me simply send me an email at: [email protected]