The old saying, "the apple does not fall far from the tree," could not be more true---ESPECIALLY when considering today's greatest family of Sions, THE NO SWEAT SIONS. Specializing in EXTREME LONG DISTANCES and BEAUTY. One of the TRUE families of pigeons --so rare to be found these days ---now in existence. Please take your time to look at many of the photos which are also included in this DECEMBER, 2022 HEITZMAN SION website. You will see many of out 2023 breeders pictured in it. And for good measure, I am now adding more photos for you to see of our breeders. These are ALL PURE SIONS originiating from the great master himself, PAUL SION. The Sions are the greatest family of racing pigeons which have ever existed. 2023 Should be our greatest year in selectively breeding Sions for 65 years. These are now the world-recognized, NO SWEAT SIONS which are being bred in eastern Kentucky, where "The Bluegrass Kisses the Mountains."