One of the pair of 2023 breeders I will be employing this upcoming breeding season happens to be "HARD CORE," a small-medium sized silver bar mealy cock mated to "BLACK MAGIC WOMAN" Blue Bar Hen. HARD CORE was born in 2010, now, some thirteen years ago, as will be our breeding calendar. HE was released with 160 birds 620 air miles from his home past Jennings, Florida as a YOUNG BIRD.. He was the FIRST bird back. He flew against a steady headwind in 85 to 90 degree temperatures. Racing back from nearly the middle of Florida, across all of Georgia, through the Smokey Mountains of TN to quietly land all alone at his home loft in the mid-eastern area of Kentucky where Richmonmd, Kentucky is located. HARD CORE homed in early the second day. IMPORTANTLY, HARD CORE happened to be a YOUNG BIRD. Yes, a YOUNG BIRD. He was bred from two silvers, a full brother and sister mating which bloodlines went straight back to Paul Sion's most famous racer, a silver bar mealy, he named, "LE ROUSELLETTE." Le Rouselette was a beautiful Sion which won some 34 first places for Paul Sion. Because this silver young mealy cock I bred raced back under the conditions which he did, I named him, "HARD CORE." He was retired after that incredible performance. In 2022, at the age of 12, HARD CORE fertiled every egg and reared 12 babies. In 2023, he is being mated to a gorgeous blue bar hen I named, "BLACK MAGIC WOMAN." BMW was bred by me and was sent to Africa to race in THE VICTORIA FALLS RACE. She flew extremely well and on several ocassions led the entire USA on tosses. She was one of the few pigeons to go through the entire race series and also one of the 300 of the 7,500 first entered, to finish the final race on the day. Her sister had performed even better in South Africa, often leading the entire USA on both training tosses and the races themselves. SIXTH in the entire world on one race. BMW was auctioned off and bought back by my close friend in North Carolina. He not only bought her but also paid all the importing expenses in getting her back to America. Recently, due to health problems, he most generously gave her to me for which I am most thankful. He did this with another pair as well, "LANCE" BBC and LST" BBH. BMW is now being mated to HARD CORE. This combination of incredible racers with super keen homing instincts----- will breed babies which are not only consistent at all distances but will also be strong in physical features; handsome birds, owing keen homing instincts which will guide them home from superior long distances. ***I discuss just this one pair to show you and all the world the typical quality and kind of 2023 matings I will be employing throuighout all the lofts now breedding the family of racers known throughout the world as, "THE NO SWEAT SIONS."
Supreme long distance racing pigeons and gorgeous to boot. Supreme long distance racing pigeons and gorgeous to boot. Supreme long distance racing pigeons and gorgeous to boot. Supreme long distance racing pigeons and gorgeous to boot. A true distinct family created by one man throughout his life, an authorwho writes under the pen name of, NO SWEAT. Today, the finest family of Sions ever to have existed. Today, the most beautiful long distance racing pigeons in all the world. A distinct family of racing pigeons whch today are not to be found as such anywhere else. A family based on long distance racers and now have been selectively bred to race against and win aginst the finest racing pigeons in the world. THE NO SWEAT SIONS. THE NO SWEAT SIONS. Sions which went from Paul Sion who had them mainly from the 1920's to the 1940's. And then to Charles Heitzman who had them from the 1930's to the 1970's. And now, that same pure old family which have been selectively bred into a distinct family known as THE NO SWEAT SIONS, created by NO SWEAT who has had them since the 1950's to the present, now going into 2023. That person who has had and developed and devoted hiomself to Sions longer than anyone ever. He is THE TRUE FLAGSHIP OF SIONS now throughout the entire world. SIONS. SIONS. The greatest strain of racing pigeons ever developed. The one strain which races over all distances and all terrains all over the world far better than any single family of racing pigeons which have ever existed. PLEASE, PLEASE scroll all the way down through this new entry on my website and allow your eyes to see for themselves the true beauty and quality that my 2023 breeders possess. It is undeniable. Your heart will echo that to you a thousand times. Who else in North America has actually developed such a magnificent family of racing pigeons and remains steadfast with them to this day? Birds which are not only beautiful but are flying consistently 500 miles as young birds and farther. Young birds which have returned from 700 miles. Birds which have come back from 1,000 miles. Birds holding their own today in the most noted races in the world. A true family of Sions where the linages trace back to the origin of racing pigeons themselves. Back cover, tight vents, balance, class, tremendous eyes---these birds in this family HAVE EVERYTHING AND MORE. They are dream birds.
I can't say all of this enough.
Hello Sion fanciers and welcome to my site. I appreciate your reading my periodical updates and looking at the many new photos I take of family of Sions which I now call "THE NO SWEAT SIONS." These beaitiful, long distance Sions happen to be one of the few true families of pigeons now in North America. Let me repeat this, A SOLID AND TRUE FAMILY of SIONS created by NO SWEAT throughout his long life with SIONS. Sions and nothing but Sions. Creating a distinct family of racing pigeons invoves a great deal of devotion. And it is performed by one who owns the abilities to do so with a selective-keen eye. It is not popular among many fanciers simply because it takes time and genuine understanding---Something even the "legends" within our sport generally do not own. And sad-comically enough, the very stuff that so many so-called great fanciers who put down families----hungrily search for when attempting to breed something of their own.
My partner, John, and I, have managed to keep the birds going though so many difficulties that all fanciers face if they stay with the sport over a long period of time. I couldn't survive without John. He is the watch dog over the birds, builds all the new important things we need around the lofts and everything is on his property. He cares for the birds while I am gone in the summers on vacation and he is always there in every way to help with the birds. John is the center of everything with these Sions. I never give him the credit he is more than due and I surely hope this mention helps make up some for such. He is a gentleman in every way. Honest and true. He has always been a solid and good friend and I am extemely fortunate to know him as well as his extremely fine and loving family. You could not know a more reliable person. Heaven opened up a door for me when I first met John. He and I share that love for pigeons as well as so many other things. He is also a great deer hunter and a hard and orderly worker in whatever he does. A dedicated family person who is much loved by his family. John and I have been partners now going on for nearly 20 years.
December, 2022, is now all but upon us and with such I have to turn my eye toward the 2023 breeding program. The 2023 bands will soon be issued. You can see for yourself many of the breeders I will now be using. They are shown with this update of this website. Please look at them. What other loft can you walk into which has such quality? Faniciers always love the breeding season as with it brings all manner of excitement and dreams of breeding new pigeons, potentially great champions. In the NO SWEAT SION colony, I am working primarily with three different colors, blue bars, silver bars and dark brick reds. And please appreciate, these NO SWEAT SIONS are rich with supreme long distance bloodlines. Long distance performance matters most--always. There is where the best are to be found. Truly the finest. At no time in SION HISTORY has there ever been such a gorgeous and distinct family of Sions such as these. NEVER. It has not come over night and it had not been easy.
These NO SWEAT SIONS are truly "THE FLAGSHIP" for all sions in the world TODAY as they are not only the most beautiful but are also racing against the very best in the world in the biggest and most prestigeous races to be found---and holding their own and often winning. No other family of Sions are doing this TODAY. These are the Sions of the future and do not rest on ancient pedigrees and old stories of just being "pure Sions." Such stuff is worthless and folly in my viewpoint. What real value does a racing pigeon own if it cannot race? Why call it a racing pigeon at all?
PLEASE KNOW----I am always best reached by emails: [email protected] I welcome any fancier who wishes to discuss anything about Sions. I am constantly in contact with many fanciers from all over the world asking me all manner of questions. I will attempt to give my best and earnest advice in trying to help anyone getting started. I am not just another lame brain echo for the "establishment." I have had a lifetime of experiences with racing pigeons and take pride in being able to think on my own. Something you find so little of in the sport. I have now been going at all of this for some 65 years and have won in that time some 1,200 first places at all levels of competiton. I know of no other strain of racing pigeon as great as are the Sions. NONE! This family has led the entire USA in the most recent years in races in Africa and elsewhere. Yes, I repeat, a FAMILY!
Phone: 859-624-8113
EMAIL: [email protected]
I do plan to begin breeding early but will not be "pushing" my breeders to lay via of utilizing lights, etc. As such, the breeding will go along much slower. I hate the eastern Kentucky winters, amen. Below freezing temperatures coupled with heavy snows and ice---yuck! I hope to have some birds in major races but as of this update I cannot say specifically. And John and I always have hopes to breed a team of young birds each year for us to treain out to 500 miles or more in the fall, despite the rising population of cooper hawks entrenched in our area that love to capture our birds when they are loft flying. That hurts so very much!
And please, if you get a chance, go through all that I have on this one website--you will find some 4,700 photos of my family of Sions on it! A pigeon website which has now had some 1.7 MILIION "HITS." An extremely popular website as the numbers will testify. By far----More photos of one family of racing pigeons than has ever been posted on any website in all the world! And check out all the you tube videos I now have on the internet. My last one, has had some 135,000 "hits" during the first year. And now, thee is another one which was recently taken, nearly three hours in length, showing all of the Sions. I hope to soon be making more. Go to HEITZMAN SIONS and you will be able to scan and find them. Nearly a dozen, if you carefully search for them all. Even videos showing the 700 MILE YOUNG BIRD RELEASES! PLEASE scroll all down and if you will, go through these pictures and you will see many of the 2023 Breeders. And as you know, like will so often produce like. Only, I strive to improve every year, and do. You must improve every year----in order to be the best.