In October, 2016, AU---2016---KY---93 BLUE CHECK HEN "LOVE SONG" Full Heitzman Sion, Bred By NO SWEAT LOFTS, flew from Jennings, Florida, back to Richmond, Kentucky, as a YOUNG BIRD. " LOVE SONG: was four and one-half months old at the time of her release. She had only limited open loft due to the many hawks in the area, and her total training had consisted of ONLY two tosses: 50 Miles and 125 Miles before her 504 Mile release. She is a direct daughter from the No Sweat Loft's now famous "RED PAIR." In 2015, her sister, a small blue bar hen, now owned by the long-distance expert, Richard Lee in TIBET, flew the same 504 air miles on the day of toss--- being the first bird home. "LOVE SONG'S" full sister, another blue check hen--- and her only other 2016 sibling on the race tram--- also homed back from the same 504 air miles. It should be well noted, both of these hens were released in extremely dark and cloudy skies with a 10 mile per hour head wind facing them. The birds, when released, broke up immediately and flew very low for nearly an hour before attempting their way back over the 500 miles. Along the race course they were forced to fly through a very sunny and hot Georgia with the temperatures approaching 90 degrees. Once into Tennessee, "LOVE SONG" then had to fly high and go back up into the forest of the SMOKEY MOUNTAINS where she endured---for some 150 miles--- rain and a thick, odd purple-like heavy fog. And last, after managing to fly through these obstacles, she then flew into a rainstorm covering Kentucky which lasted for two straight days, along with constant headwinds. Without argument, "LOVE SONG'S" overall performance was extremely remarkable and the true flight of a champion long-distance racer. "LOVE SONG" is a small pigeon with brown eyes and she is now permanently retired to the No Sweat Lofts 2017 Breeding Program. Plans are to mate her back to a cock which will also be rich with the "RED PAIR" blood.