These five photographs are of "THE DREAM PAIR." These two HEITZMAN SIONS are being mated together in 2017; they will be an integral part of the 2017 the NO SWEAT LOFT BREEDING PROGRAM. They are: AU---2015---AA---1778, SILVER BAR COCK, "HARD CORE'S SHADOW," 504 air miles ON THE DAY as a YOUNG BIRD. Bred By Robbie Robbins from his great pair, "HARD CORE" 12439 ,Silver Bar Cock and "LONGWINGS." 1899, Blue Check Hen ----- and ----- AU--2014--KY--117 "ROBBIE'S STRAWBERRY," STRAWBERRY MEALY HEN, 504 Miles as a Young Bird, Bred By Robbie Robbins from his two great 600 milers as YOUNG BIRDS: "RESOLVE" 12466, Dark RED CHECK COCK and "CHATTANOOGA," 23007, Pencil Blue Splash Hen. "THE DREAM PAIR is a perfect blend of four birds which flew 600 miles as YOUNG BIRDS. This blood is saturated in what the No Sweat Lofts call "THE RED BLOOD." The cock, "HARD CORE'S SHADOW," is a medium-small sized bird with excellent confirmation and an eye very much like his father's. The Strawberry Mealy Hen "ROBBIE'S STRAWBERRY," is a small racer, absolutely gorgeous with her dark eyes and a classic Heitzman Sion down from the "OLD GRIS SION" bloodlines; th best of the best long-distance blood.