We got out a little late this morning. Dove mostly in shallow waters out back in the Gulf. Of the first lobsters I caught this morning I had to throw every one of them back as they were just barely illegal in size--a real heart breaker. But we got the limit and I got one lobster that was really nice weighing about 2 and one half ponds which is big for the Keys. I swam over a big turtle under one coral head and at another coral head I found 7 queen angel fish of all sizes playing around with each other. You'll see in one photo where Charlie's pet iguana is saying good bye to us at the ck in front of his home--on the canal. I have a "trap line" going right now to catch some iguanas when Lance gets here--baiting it with cantaloupe. The lobster hunting thus far has been much tougher than last year as I am having to work hard to find lobsters that are legal size. There appears to be less boats out looking for lobsters but there also appears to be many more traps that have been set than I have ever seen in my life. We are planning to eat a bite just now and will be back out on the ocean possibly Th's afternoon. You can see in one photo what the sunset looked like last eve--I took that photo from the apex of the SEVEN MILE BRIDGE that runs between Marathon and Big Pine. I found one spot today that looked to be holding some lobsters of which possibly a few were legal in size--but only marked the spot with Charlie's GPS as we intend to go back to it when the kids get here--hopefully the lobsters will not move from there or any other diver finds it during the time period.
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